5 comments on “My Top 10 Movies of 2012

  1. I think the fact that you didn’t like the Alien movies is why you liked Prometheus. I didn’t hate i, but I’ll withhold judgement until the sequel comes out, because maybe as part of a larger story it’ll make more sense. But as a stand alone movie, it feels incomplete and didn’t really answer anything. And this is from someone who is completely satisfied with the ending of LOST. (People complained that not every little thing was answered, but it wasn’t neccesary to explain everything. But for Prometheus, which was co-written by the same guy, it was neccesary and I left more confused than when I came in.

    • I’m not a Damon Lindelof fan because of his comic work, but I didn’t think Prometheus was his worst work. The way I look at it is this flick was the appetizer for whatever comes in next.

  2. Nice list. I am waiting till Zero Dark Thirty on the 11th and then I’m gonna put my list together. GREAT year in movies. Did you see Argo?

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